Get Your Groove On!
Join the South End Branch Library at the BCYF Blackstone Community Center with 3 Fun-Filled Classes with choreographer Sharon Shakur! Unleash your inner dancer in style! We’re offering a special series of weekly dance classes designed to get you moving, laughing and celebrating the joy of dance. There will be two different sessions -one for teenagers and one for adults! The first session for teens, class will start each week at 4:00pm -5:30pm. The second session for adults, class will start each week at 6:30pm -8:00pm.
There will be a celebratory party on the last day of class! So please stop by, learn a new dance style, and have some fun!
If you have any questions, please contact Branch Librarian Christina Jones at 617-655-2441 or southend@bpl.org.
Save these dates!
Monday, June 10th –West African Dance
Monday, June 17th –Creative Dance
BCYF Blackstone Community Center
50 W. Brookline Street
Boston, MA 02118
Presented in partnership with BCYF Blackstone Community Center
This program is supported through the generosity of donors to the BPL Fund and its Branching-Out Creative Catalyst Mini-Grant Program. For more information, visit bplfund.org
Join the South End Branch staff as we host a summer pop-up event in the South End Library Park on Tuesday, June 18th starting at 10:00am - 2:00pm. We'll be giving away many free books, swag, and library information, along with there will be special appearances by local bookstore More Than Words and Ms. Patty, who will be helping us celebrate Pride Month with a drag queen story hour. If you have any questions, please contact Branch Librarian Christina Jones -email: southend@bpl.org and phone: 617-655-2441.