More Than Words was honoured to have Robert Kraft visit their South End site to celebrate his $100,000 donation from this past year to help with business development and marketing efforts. Mr. Kraft took a youth-led tour of the warehouse bookstore and operations space, spoke with youth, and viewed the donations truck that bears his name, along with the logos of the Patriots and the Revolution. He even brought his most recent Super Bowl ring for everyone to admire.
MTW empowers youth who are in foster care, court-involved, homeless or out of school to take charge of their lives by taking charge of a business. More Than Words youth run two brick-and-mortar bookstores, a café, and an online bookstore, sourcing over 1.65 million books per year and generating over $600K in earned revenue annually. They simultaneously have a second job, their “YOU” job, through which they receive intensive case management to work towards measurable positive outcomes for education, work and life. More Than Words empowers youth to get back to school, earn their high school diploma or the equivalent, and transition to post-secondary education and employment.
You can find out more, or donate here.
Read the Boston Globe article here