For over 120 years, The Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) has responded to the needs of animals and the people who care about them. In fact, we are often the first to respond. With over 1,000 dedicated volunteers and 100 staff members, ARL lends unwavering support to local animals, families, and neighborhoods.
We provide outstanding veterinary care, adoption, and field services. We also confront the root causes of animal cruelty and neglect through special police investigation and advocacy aimed at strengthening the laws that protect animals. Last year alone, 23,938 animals were helped with your support!
Today, we increasingly focus on prevention and the impact we can have on more animals; keeping them out of shelters and in the communities where they belong. This ambitious call to action is reflected in our new vision for the future.
ARL does not receive government grants or public funding (with the exception of limited COVID-19 relief funding) and relies on the generosity of our supporters to help animals in need. We ask all those who share our goals to reaffirm a commitment to the future we all hope to achieve. Together, we can make it happen!